Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award 2016

Invitation for the presentation of the
Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award 2016
to Prof. Giorgio Frassineti
Österreichischer Auslandsdienst Predappio coat
In Predappio in the Teatro Comunale on Saturday, September 3, 2016.
With Prof. Dr. Andreas Maislinger (Austrian Service Abroad) and Prof. Alberto de Bernardi (Università degli Studi di Bologna).
The Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award is awarded annualy since 2006 by the association Austrian Service Abroad. It honors people who show outstanding engagement in the reappraisal of the atrocities committed by National Socialism. This year it will be presented to the mayor of Predappio, Giorgio Frassineti. Predappio is the birthplace of Benito Mussolini. In 1883 the fascist dictator was born here and till today the association remains. The town is a popular place of pilgrimage for neo-fascists, the shops sell souvenirs „of a special kind“. Giorgio Frassineti is determined to change the image of the town. With the aim to encourage critical reflection and examination of Italian fascism, Giorgio Frassineti initiated the creation of a documentation-center of the 20th century in the town center. For his special commitment he will be awarded with the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award on Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 16:00 in Predappio at the Teatro Comunale. Prof. Giorgio Frassineti Prof. Giorgio Frassineti
  • Welcome/Opening address
  • Introduction of the association Austrian Service Abroad and the work of the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Servants in Italy
  • Greetings by President Dr. Heinz Fischer and the Minister of Social Affairs Alois Stöger – both recorded on the July 1, 2016
  • Honorific speech by Prof. Alberto de Bernardi, a native of Romagna and professor of contemporary history at the Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • Presentation of the award by Dr. Andreas Maislinger
  • Final words by Prof. Giorgio Frassineti

Moderation: Felix Hafner

From September 2th until 4h, the village fair „I Tre Giorni del Sangiovese” will take palce in Predappio. On this occasion held in honor of the wine of the same name, there will be live music and stands offering culinary delicacies all around the town. Furthermore, the ceremony is accompanied by a program which gives the opportunity to get to know more about the region of Emilia-Romagna. It can be varied depending on the personal interests. For more information and questions about accomodation: Palazzo Varano - Rathaus von Predappio


Press release

Media Coverage

Date Media Article
02.08.2016 la Repubblica Ma quale Mussolini: al sindaco di Predappio un premio per la memoria della Shoah
02.08.2016 ANSA Premio memoria Shoah a sindaco Predappio
02.08.2016 ForlìToday Predappio, premio internazionale per il sindaco Giorgio Frassineti
23.08.2016 The Australian Mussolini’s hometown Predappio to teach his fans a lesson
23.08.2016 The Times Mussolini’s town wants to teach his new fans a lesson
30.08.2016 Dire Shoah, sindaco Predappio premiato per antifascismo
30.08.2016 ForlìToday Predappio, cerimonia di consegna del premio internazionale Ahma al sindaco Frassineti
30.08.2016 Sestopotere Predappio, cerimonia di consegna del premio internazionale AHMA a Giorgio Frassineti
30.08.2016 Lo Stivale Pensante A Predappio il “premio internazionale alla memoria dell’Olocausto”
30.08.2016 Forlì24Ore Sabato 3 settembre a Predappio la consegna dell’Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award al Sindaco Frassineti
30.08.2016 Tiroler Tageszeitung Holocaust Memorial Award an Bürgermeister von Mussolini-Geburtsort
03.07.2016 ForlìToday Predappio, il Servizio Austriaco consegna il premio AHMA al sindaco Frassineti
03.09.2016 Sestopotere Predappio, il sindaco Frassineti premiato con l’ Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award
04.07.2016 Forlì24Ore Il Sindaco Frassineti riceve l’Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award – fotonotizia
04.09.2016 Tiroler Tageszeitung Bürgermeister von Mussolini-Geburtsort erhielt Auszeichnung
04.09.2016 Romagnanoi Il sindaco ha ricevuto l’Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award per la sua politica mondiale nel paese del Duce
04.09.2016 Forlìnotizie Giorgio Frassineti premiato al Teatro Comunale con l’Austrian Holocaust Memorial Award