Israeli footballers attacked during ‘friendly’ in Austria


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Israeli footballers attacked during ‘friendly’ in Austria


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  A friendly match between Maccabi Haifa and Lille degenerated into chaos when the players from the Israeli team were attacked by protestors. Salzburg police said  around 20 people with flags and placards, mostly Austrians of Turkish origin, stormed the pitch shouting slogans about the Gaza conflict, in which more than 700 Palestinians have been killed and thousands displaced.

During the match, supporters held up ‚Free Palestine‘ banners and waved the Palestinian flag.


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  The match was stopped in the 86th minute when the supporters came onto the pitch. Some of the Israeli players retaliated but they all appeared to leave the field unhurt with the referee deciding to end the match early. Lille were winning the match 2-0 at the time. Israeli clubs are currently banned from hosting European matches due to unrest in the region. Photos: Imago  

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Projekt Details

  • Datum 23. Oktober 2016
  • Tags Pressearchiv 2014

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