Projekt Beschreibung
Dinner Discussion with Dr. Andreas Maislinger
When: Wed, 10/28/2009 – 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Rabb Hall, Harvard Hillel
Dr. Andreas Maislinger is an Austrian political science professor and also the founder of the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service, which is a civil-service alternative to the national military service that trains and sends abroad Austrians to staff Holocaust museums and memorials worldwide. After having worked at Hebrew University, Dr. Maislinger also created the first German language seminar at Yad Vashem back in the 1990s.This November, he’ll be in Los Angeles to receive a lifetime achievement award from the Los Angeles Holocaust Museum.
Dr. Maislinger will be leading a dinner discussion related to the Holocaust. Feel free to grab dinner a few minutes early from the Hillel dining hall (it’s free on the undergrad meal plan!) and join us for what promises to be a fascinating conversation!
This event is cosponsored by Harvard Hillel and the Harvard Center for European Studies Undergraduate Board. Questions? Contact Samuel Milner (smilner13@college)
Projekt Details
- Datum 14. Juni 2016
- Tags Pressearchiv 2009