

Projekt Beschreibung


Austrian Service Abroad at the Neuberger

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About the Gedenkdiener Program

The Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service (Gedenkdienst) is an independent alternative to Austria’s compulsory national military service. Its participants serve at major Holocaust institutions. The first participant started in 1992 at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum. Since then, over 400 Austrian Holocaust Memorial Servants have been working with major Holocaust memorial institutions in 23 countries worldwide. The intent of the AHMS is to recognize Austria’s part of the collective responsibility for the Holocaust. The Neuberger is proud to welcome Gedenkdiener interns.

2014-2015 Gedenkdiener: Alexander Schelischansky

Alexander_SchelischanskyAlexander Schelischansky is the fifth memorial servant sent by the Austrian Service Abroad organization. He is placed with the Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre from August 2014 through July 2015.

Alexander was born and grew up in Graz, Austria. He graduated from high school in spring 2014, specializing in languages and literature. During his education he focused on history and politics classes as well as foreign languages. Instead of the compulsory Austrian military service he decided to be part of the “Gedenkdienst” Program. Thanks to the Austrian Holocaust Memorial Service, Alexander will be working at the Neuberger through July 2015. While attending school, Alexander prepared for his duties at the Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre. Furthermore, he has visited different museums and memorials and was in contact with some contemporary witnesses from Austria. Alexander is pleased to work with school groups and teachers during his stay in Canada.

For more information, please contact Alexander.

Gedenkdieners at the Neuberger

The Neuberger hosted its first Gedenkdiener, or Holocaust Memorial Intern, in 2010. Raffael Stuhlpfarrer interned at the Centre from 2010-2011. Subsequently, the Centre hosted Gedenkdiener Aron Coman-Mikó from February-July 2012, and Andreas Schnitzer for the 2012-2013 year. Most recently, from 2013-2014, our Gedenkdiener was Stefan Hammerl.

Projekt Details

  • Datum 19. Oktober 2016
  • Tags Pressearchiv 2014

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